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Numerology is the study of numbers. The basis of numerology is that numbers have an "inner nature" and "vibration." This vibration influences personality, strengths and talents, obstacles to be overcome, inner needs, emotional reactions and ways of dealing with others. Numerological considerations include an individual's full name, birthplace, and birth date. Numerology is the analysis of numbers, specifically one’s date of birth, and the associated numerical values given to the letters of the alphabet, specifically one’s name. Numerology also gives you insight on one’s life and associated energy vibrations, along with the interpretation of such information to provide insight and guidance.

Numerology is the mathematically-exact method of revealing your inner desires, your fortune, and what is most likely to happen in the future —

using your name given to you at birth and your birth date. No other science, esoteric or otherwise, can give you views into your very essence the way numerology can.
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